7 Day Residential Retreat

with Videha

Atlanta, June 9 – 15, 2024



Sufi is a Mystic path, and the essence that is at the heart of all religious spirits.  It is the  ancient wisdom of the heart, and the path of love born from that wisdom. It’s finding the true nature and realization.
This group in a meditative process using different methods, like rhythm, breath, music, dance, voice, sound, poetry, to enter a state of emptiness. We will also explore the beauty of Sufi poetry and music.

“Zikhr”  (Remembrance), an essential Sufi method, will bring us in touch with different layers of our being.  Its waves will deepen and expand the different qualities of human consciousness  and take us to the silent lake of our being.

symbolizes and represents man’s unity with the cosmos; it is a movement where we dissolve ourselves with a world that cannot be understood with our mind, it has to be felt with the heart.

This gathering is a process of emptying ourselves,  a process, an atmosphere where love and wildness flower into meditation. We will also explore the beauty of Sufi poetry and music.
This Sufi group will be a deep immersion into our inner world, an exploration of the love and wisdom we all carry in our being


“By knowing the mysteries of our own heart,  we begin to resonate with the mysteries of existence”.

VIDEHA: Osho disciple since 1980. Initiated into the Mevlevi Sufi Order of Konya    (“The Whirling Dervishes”), Videha integrates the Sufi Path into Osho’s vision and love.  For years as a Zazen practitioner, he has traveled and trained in Turkey, Mongolia, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Central Asia, Tibet, where he received many initiations.  He is leading groups, seminars, camps and meditation retreats all over the world since more then 35 years, uniting the path of Love and the path of Meditation.  Since 2022  he moved to live in the Alps mountains in North Italy, where he created Osho Mokurai Meditation Center, an expression of his heart, and the love and devotion for the Dharma, a place for committed meditators, a place of Remembrance…

“All the work is inspired by Osho’s teachings, my Master, an endless source of compassion and wisdom, an inexhaustible mine of countless Dharma teaching treasures”  Videha.

“Before the beginning of time I was burned, and became ashes.
Jumping into the fire I became a rose.
Calling His name I became a heart.
I came to burn into the arena of Love.
I came to call Hu and return to God.
Take the veil from me, so that I’m naked.
Let me fly on the wings of Love.
Once more, let me see Her Beauty …”

The venue is a beautiful 32 acre retreat centre amidst nature with walking trails. If you are arriving at the Atlanta airport it is almost an hour drive. There is plenty of parking available.
Location address: 5611 Georgia Highway 109, Molena, GA 30258



$1100 per person (includes 7 days food and lodging)
$1000 per person (EARLY BIRD if you register before May 1, 2024)

To register please contact Utsav for the payment details. The registration is on first come first basis as we have only limited seats available. Please plan early to register.
Please note that this is a non profit gathering of friends and all participation cost go towards organizing of the retreat.

Utsav: (+1) 585.766.5485,  email:

“Wake up lovers, it’s time to start a new journey.
We have seen enough of this world, it’s time to see another.
These two gardens may be beautiful, but let us past beyond them,
and go to the gardener himself.
Let us kiss the ground, and flow like a river towards the ocean.
Let us go from the valley of tears, to the wedding feast.
Let us bring the colors of blossom to the over pale faces.
Oh my heart, shiver like autumn leaves about to fall.
In this world of dust there is no avoiding pain or feeling excited.
Let us become like beautiful colored birds and fly,
fly to the sweet land of paradise.
Everything is painted with the brush of the invisible one,
let us follow the hidden sign, and find the painter.
It’s best to travel with companions, on this journey only love can be the way.
We have stayed at home, scared like mouse, let us find courage and join the lions.
Let our souls turn into mirrors, longing to reflect the essence of beauty, of the Beloved.
Let us begin the journey home.”

More about Videha and his work